Earlybirds Playgroup Mount Hawthorn
Earlybirds Playgroup Mount Hawthorn
Please reach out to us at earlybirdsplaygroup.membership@gmail.com and we can help you find the right group. You are welcome to bring your own group and choose a vacant session to trial or join an existing group that has availability
Earlybirds Playgroup year runs from 1 February to 31 January the following year.
Annual membership costs $135
From February 1 to February 15 membership will be at the DISCOUNTED RATE OF $100.
Fees are calculated on a pro-rata basis and adjusted each quarter of the year.
The fees pay for the lease of the premises, maintenance, running costs and purchasing of supplies, crafts and toys.
IMPORTANT All Earlybirds Playgroup members must also be a member of Playgroup WA to be covered for insurance purposes. In the past this membership fee was collected by Earlybirds. This year Playgroup WA are collecting their $35 fee separately. While they set up their new system you are automatically covered for insurance. We will send you more information about this in March when their system goes live.
Playgroup WA membership provides full insurance coverage while at the centre, access to help and support from the members hotline and invitations to Playgroup WA events and play days. More information about the extra benefits of becoming a Playgroup WA member can be found at www.playgroupwa.com.au
The Earlybirds committee is committed to promoting the health and well being of the children and families in our community. We recognise that immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases before they come into contact with them in the community. Immunisation not only protects individuals, but also others in the community, by reducing the spread of disease. We also recognise that a playgroup represents a particularly high-risk group within the community with not-yet fully immunised children and expectant mothers regularly attending the playgroup. We therefore request that all members declare whether their children are immunised or not. The committee recognises the right of a parent not to immunise their children but also feels that all members have a right to limit any potential risks of exposure. It is the policy of Earlybirds Playgroup not to accept applications from families who are not immunised as per National Immunisation Program (NIP) Schedule with exceptions for children recorded with medical contraindications or natural immunity for certain diseases and those on a recognised catch-up schedule.
We want our members to get the most from our centre and if the session time is not in use you can pop in and have a play. 3-5pm Monday - Friday are designated Open Sessions. They are available to all members. The Open Sessions are also a great opportunity for working parents to join in the playgroup fun!
You are welcome to use any vacant sessions until they become occupied. Check the Join Us Page to see what sessions are available. Please follow the cleaning guide at the end of your session and leave the centre clean and tidy for the next group.
There is a key pad on the front door which you use to access the centre. When leaving, please make sure all windows and doors into the outdoor play areas are locked, and lights and air conditioners/heaters and music are switched off. Please also ensure that all toys are packed away and leave the centre in a clean and orderly state. If you happen to see toys in places they shouldn’t be, please return them to their spot. If we all work together on this, it makes the annual clean up much easier. Please return toys to their correct spot at the end of your session.
All members are responsible for cleaning before the end of their session prior to the next group arriving. Please refer to the picture below with a short checklist.
The centre is also professionally cleaned several times a week. However we all need to play our part in keeping the centre clean and tidy.
If you notice the tea towel basket is full of dirty cloths please take them home and return them at your next session. This would be so helpful. Every little bit of help counts!
If you have any concerns regarding the cleanliness of the centre, please make a comment on the members communication board or send us an email . We will address it at the next committee meeting.
Membership fee refunds can be given in exceptional circumstances once approved by the committee. If you feel you have a valid reason for a refund, please contact earlybirdsplaygroup.president@gmail.com to discuss. We ask you to remember we are a not for profit organisation, run by volunteer families.
Individual groups need to be mindful of their responsibility to leave the centre clean and tidy for the next group, and should therefore start packing-up 10 minutes prior to the end of their session.
If you experience problems with the cross-over of sessions, please contact the president. earlybirdsplaygroup.president@gmail.com
Located next to the kitchen - if you use something from the kit can you please notify the committee so we can ensure the kit remains stocked. Should you have any first aid concerns, please raise them with your group contact or with a committee member.
Group Contact
Each group has a Group Contact Person who generally manages a WhatsApp group for your session - please ensure you have been added to the WhatsApp group to ensure you are getting all of the latest communications.
If you have any concerns or issues/ideas to raise, please let your Group Contact person know and they will pass these ideas and feedback on to the committee.
Their role is to communicate any changes within their group such as change of address or email to the committee. This person may also attend committee meetings as the representative of the group for instance.
The Group Contact is also responsible for welcoming new trial members and showing them around the centre.
Earlybirds Playgroup depends on us all working together to make it run smoothly.
You can get involved as much or as little as you want.
You could volunteer to be on the commitee.
Take home the tea towels for a wash every now and then.
Maybe you have a skill that you could volunteer for an hr or 2 like gardening or digital skills to help out with the website.
Or maybe you are good at repairing broken bikes or scooters or know someone who can.
Send us a message We are a small volunteer group of parents that would appreciate your help.